Hereford Cattle are one of the most recognizable types in the world. With their red bodies and white faces the stand out versus the typical single color breeds. In today’s ranching world the Hereford is used mostly for hertosis. But these five beautiful girls have all had their first calves and some may be AI'd back to other Herfords to increase these beautiful cows.
In 2018 we went to Hokie Harvest sale looking for more Herefords to produce superior IC Superior BWF Cattle. Our IC Herefords come from Knoll Crest Farm and Virginia Tech and mix registered and commercial to provide growth and a highly desirable composite. Looking at the heretosis available when these these two fantastic genetics pools meet and produce offspring you will see a great replacement heifer or a pounds heavy steer. The Baldy has become a beautiful example of a two way cross. Some have even gone so far to create the Black Hereford breed. While we may not be going this far right now it is something to consider. The combination of our registerd IC Black Angus genetics and our Regestered IC Herefords the evidence is obvious.
Either way we have a top notch little herd of IC Hereford Cattle here in Forest, Virginia. They mix nicely with the rest of the IC Cattle. From the field to the plate is where these beauties make their Hay!